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Infinite Diversity,
Finite Combinations

The only Trek review site to violate the Temporal Prime Directive

All six of the pre-'10s Trek shows considered in the only way that matters - as if they all happened at the same time.

Updates 12pm BST, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays

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4.1 War And Peace

Deep Space Nine Season 1 Retrospective Deep Space Nine is fundamental to the IDFC project, in the sense that it’s why the project exists...

4.1.19 The Damascus Ring Road

In The Hands Of The Prophets Here’s something new. Well, new for IDFC, anyway. We arrive, at last, at our very first season finale....

4.1.18 Only Obeying Stationery Orders

Duet So, this will be interesting. I’m not dealing with a minor entry to the canon this time, or some forgotten classic in need of a...

4.1.17 Proof By Counter-Example

Dramatis Personae Not to go all undergraduate essay here, but let’s start with a definition. “Dramatis Personae” translates as “the masks...

4.1.16 I Have No Mouth, And I Must Sigh

The Forsaken An introvert and an extrovert walk into an unreliable turbolift... Old Skin For The Slightly Older Ceremony I see no point...

4.1.15 "...These Nags Would Be Lame"

If Wishes Were Horses The episode that claims to celebrate human imagination, but doesn’t bother displaying any itself. “It’s Easy If You...

4.1.14 Russian Toll

Progress The revolutionary struggle doesn’t end the day the palace falls. Major Dilemma “Progress” is another episode that’s hard to...

4.1.13 Maps And Legends

The Storyteller "The people and the land are one." It was about time we returned to Bajor. The Widening Gyre I haven’t really talked all...

4.1.12 Pro Nihil Mori

Battle Lines War, huh? What is it good for? Killing recurring characters in order to generate cheap drama, it turns out. The Vengeance...

4.1.11 Death In The Clouds

Vortex At first glance, “Vortex” looks like an anomaly. With the exception of “Silent Enemy” (and we’ll get to that sinking, burning...

4.1.10 Escher's Spiral

The Nagus "I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill-treating a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: “The bigs hit me,...

4.1.9 Shout "Allamaraine!" And Sit Down

Move Along Home LIQUID ASSETS, INTESTINAL BLOCKAGES, A SURFEIT OF SCATHES QUINT: GAMES, my friends. Don’t you just wish you were in them?...

4.1.6 Old Skin For The New Ceremony

Q-Less (Content warning: generalised references to abusive relationships) Jambly crisps. Reading reactions to this episode make me wonder...

4.1.3 Three Threes Make Nine

A Man Alone Intro Once again, Deep Space Nine has to push back against TNG‘s mistakes. The appalling flood of clueless racism that swept...

4.1.1 How Sisko Got His Groove Back

Emissary Sometimes you've just got to boldly stay. Progress And Paradox Ira Steven Behr once said that the biggest problem The Next...

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